Poolside Stand Off (Harlem's Deck 8) - Paul Smith

Poolside Stand Off (Harlem's Deck 8)

Por Paul Smith

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2014-10-31
  • Género: Ficción y literatura


Iiiiiin the blue corner: Elliot Roscan! Wit, wastrel and Nu Shakya extraordinaire.
And iiiiin the red corner: A Fiend of the Pit! Purveyor of terror, obscenity and really poor taste in bodies.
(...Insert crowd chanting 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' here...)
Why is the daemon here?
Can Elliot handle it alone?
And what is it with the Infernal and mood lighting...?
Read on and find out...

For fans of Sucker Punch, Supernatural and DMC Devil May Cry.

(...Back cover write up...)

The city of Neppon drifts through the shallows, where the walls circling the mortal realm are thin. Here the daemons gather out of the surrounding night, drawn by its promise of candle flame warmth.

As the election for the city's mayoral office approaches, one man stands head and shoulders above the other candidates. His reputation? A bastion for everything that is good and honest, in a world beset from all sides by horrors. But Jaret Roscan carries a secret. A secret that could bring ruin to his political career, and chaos to his beloved city.

One person carries the key to his salvation. The question is, will they come forward in his hour of need?

Harlem's Deck; a story in instalments. Keep your hand close to your chest...