As a Man Grows Older - Italo Svevo

As a Man Grows Older

Por Italo Svevo

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2023-10-27
  • Género: Clásicos


Not too far in the past, Emilio Brentani was a promising young writer. Presently, he's a high-speed insurance agent approaching the age of forty. However, a new opportunity arises in his life when he falls for the young and stunning Angiolina. The only hitch is that his beloved angel happens to be an unapologetic deceiver. What starts as a comedy of misunderstanding born from infatuation ultimately turns into a tragic tale. Emilio's unwavering pursuit of his delusions, against the counsel of his friends and devoted sister, and even against his own better judgment, leads to the loss of the one person he belatedly realizes he genuinely loves. With a profound sense of humanity, a touch of earthy humor, psychological insight, and an elegantly simple writing style, "As a Man Grows Older" is an exquisite exploration of unrequited love and indecisiveness.