JOE'S GIRL - Margaret St. George


Por Margaret St. George

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2011-07-15
  • Género: Romance contemporáneo



Follow Your Dream

Joe Townsend had fallen in love with Molly Stevens in Mrs. Paulson's eighth-grade English class when she was the most beautiful girl in the school. Over the last fifteen years he'd watched her—in magazines and on TV—become the most beautiful woman in the world. Molly had always been a part of his fantasies—but now she was back….

Joe had watched Molly live the high life—until her career went bust. She'd been "America's sweetheart," but now all he wanted her to be was "Joe's girl." But what would happen when she tired of potluck suppers and mountain nights under the stars…and the big city lights beckoned?

How wrong could a fortune cookie be?