It's a Jungle Out There - Stephanie Williams

It's a Jungle Out There

Por Stephanie Williams

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2011-05-21
  • Género: Literatura erótica


Olivia Carter is no longer fooling herself. She knows there is no such thing as the perfect man. Tired of the crazy dating scene, she decides to take the advice of her best friend and sign up with 1NightStand. Her requirements are simple: Drop dead gorgeous, strong silent type, great in bed. Simple, to the point, and no expectations of anything grander. Madame Eve has no problem fulfilling her list.

Maxwell Evans is a hot and upcoming actor. But already he’s disillusioned about finding the ideal woman. Sick of dating nothing but shallow beauties who are more interested in riding his coattails than anything else, he checks out 1NightStand. He rather have a night of passion with a woman that knows nothing about his fame, than a long-term relationship with someone that has hopes of fame and fortune.

Max and Olivia will find out that they both wanted more than they’re willing to admit.