My Life Without Drink - Sarah Smith

My Life Without Drink

Por Sarah Smith

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2022-04-29
  • Género: Biografías y memorias


In My Life Without Drink the author takes the reader through a life where insecurity in childhood is carried forward to the adult years when alcohol is taken up as a means of coping. Through marriage, childbirth, estrangement and brushes with the law, the author slides in and out of dependency but always succumbs to the craving described as trying “to get that ‘high’ feeling again and again but it is well-nigh impossible.” How she turns things around must be an inspiration to those who can see no way out of a terrible ‘disease’ that can afflict anyone at any time. A short book on a long and painful story with an ending full of hope: “I walked out free and have been sober for seventeen years.” The author has also written a delightful children’s story called ‘Bertie the Croc’, which you will find towards the end of this book.