The Most Holy Spiritual Wisdoms: On Loving God - St. Bernard of Clairvaux

The Most Holy Spiritual Wisdoms: On Loving God

Por St. Bernard of Clairvaux

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2017-11-07
  • Género: Cristianismo


On Loving God, is the most spiritual work written by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux. This work has been written for students, scholars, or anyone who wants to understand the love of God for His children. Saint Bernard explains what divine love is, defines four degrees of love souls experience in their growth in God; Selfish Love; Dependence on God; Intimacy with God; Being United with God’s Love.
A soul fixed in God loves God. God loves Himself in his creatures, this love 
increases with loving motion, which ends in His Eternal Kingdom. God wants to be known, and love is attracting us to understand Him.