X Plus Y Equals Love - S. D. Wells

X Plus Y Equals Love

Por S. D. Wells

  • Fecha de lanzamiento: 2016-10-24
  • Género: Romance contemporáneo


X plus Y Equals Love

Cole Summersby is a 32 year old math genius and gave up a great job and a girl to take care of his dying mother. He dream is to someday open a financial firm near his cousin in Texas. In her Will his mother offers to invest in his business but had conditions that he must meet. The problem is Cole is not sure how he will ever meet said before the deadline.

Jessica Jenkins is a 30 year old Algebra Teacher who is running from a past she's sure will haunt her until her dying day.

Her landlord suddenly sells her place and her friend Katelyn offer to let her stay with them until she can afford to move.

At a family BBQ Katelyn introduces Cole and Jessica and the sparks fly. Jessica tries to keep her heart guarded just in case she has to run again, while Cole begins to want more. On a cruise he discovers secrets from her past that could prevent him from making her his. Can he convince her to trust him with her heart? This relationship is a math equations waiting to be solved.

Tyler Summersby has a secret and his marriage is in state of disarray. His wife is pregnant and he wants out but Holly will do everything she can to save her marriage, even if that means taking on her husband's demons all alone.